Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Intellectual and cultural life of colonial Mexico Essay Example for Free

Intellectual and cultural life of colonial Mexico Essay Mexico is a land whose history is as rich and diverse as its people. Prior to the arrival of the Spaniards to Mexico the natives enjoy great progress and technology. They’ve printed books, made paper and pigments, painted murals and manuscripts, cultivated crops, made structures and lavish designs in architecture that some historians say even outdates that of Egypt, engaged in medical practice and planted botanical crops. However with the invasion of the Spanish Empire that happened between the year 1521 to 1600 the natives who posses such technologies were suppressed by the Colonialist. Various indigenous groups disappeared since the Spaniards pushed to promote Catholicism in the country in their attempt to eliminate anything that links the people from their â€Å"Pagan past†. They also brought with them superior technology from Europe which hindered the progress of technologies that they have developed before. The diversity and development of Native Mexico is shown as manuscripts of maps of the different areas in Mexico are found in â€Å"the six Relaciones Geograficas maps†. The rich text combines native and European colorants a clear manifestation of their rich technology even before the colonialist came to the country. The inhabitants of Mexico today can be classified into two groups, the Indigenous Peoples who lived before the 14th century and the Immigration people who arrived with the Spanish conquest. The former, which are the indigenous peoples are the Toltec, Omeca, Zapotec, Maya, Aztec, Huichol, Purapecha, Tarahumara and etc. The later on the other hand are a mix of different cultures due to the wave of migration brought about by the Spanish Conquerors. For us to fully understand the impact that colonization has brought to the natives, we need to discuss their culture and practices in terms of social stratification, culture, religion and economy prior to the coming of the Spaniards. Native Mexico Mexico was the site of some of the earliest and most advanced civilizations in the western hemisphere. Its human history began with the aboriginal people we call American Indians or Amerids. Archeological records date back to older than that civilization of Egypt. They were scattered groups of nomadic hunters. The Amerids then became diverse and divided into sub classes differentiating in culture, legend and practices. These are the Toltec, Maya, Omeca, Zapotec, Aztec, Purapecha, Huichol, Tarahumara and etc. Clash of cultural minorities happened and led to the fall of different empires. When the Spaniards came to Mexico the Maya and Aztec groups where predominant in the region. Their economy greatly relies on agriculture and herding. It was a society divide into three classes: slave, commoner and nobility. However, far different from that of the Spaniard, the slaves can buy their freedom and when he manages to escape from his master and makes his was safely to the royal palace he is then given immediate freedom. Social mobility was also practiced by all the classes regardless of race as long as one has enough money and resources to do so. With regards to religion, they have numerous Gods. In Aztec society in particular, their gods are Uitzilopochtli (sun god), Tlaloc (rain god), Coyolxauhqui (moon goddess), and Quetzalcoatl (inventor of writing and the calendar and also associated with the planet Venus and with resurrection) . Animal and human sacrifices were also made to honor warriors during the war and for religious ceremonies. Prisoners were also sacrificed for less important rituals. The Spaniards found the ritual horrendous since it involves human sacrifices which are against Catholic faith. The ritual would take place on top of a pyramid where the human sacrifice is placed on a convex stone and the priest would reap their hearts out using a knife (Almanac, 2005). As of press time, the modern Aztecs people number for over a million and are the largest aboriginal group in the country. Most of them are farmers who have no access to education and most are illiterate.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Kenya Ameru Tribe :: essays papers

Kenya Ameru Tribe Kenya is a country that has nine provinces. It lies on the equator on the slopes of Mount Kenya and the Nyamben Mountain Range. It covers an area of 3,850 square miles. The climate of Kenya is one of short rains between March and May, with a long rainy season between October and December. Temperatures range from 68 degrees in the higher altitudes around Mt. Kenya, to 90 degrees in the arid Semiaro lands. The people of Kenya hold a proud tradition of farming. Ninety percent of the people are farmers. The population is large and spread out covering both the dry, arid lands as well as the fertile areas. Crops grown fit the type of area of land in which they are cultivated. Livestock and beekeeping are other methods of farming popular in eastern Africa. Wheat is grown in the upper and lower Highlands. Pyrethrum, potatoes, maize, beans and tea are other crops that grow in the area. Farmers grow substance crops to feed their family as well as to sell for cash. The livestock are kept for dairy products used in the home. Maize, fodder beets, and napiergrass are grown to feed livestock. In 1880 changes were brought to Kenya from British Columbia. In 1963, Kenya won its independence. Their independence brought about a change in the economy. Prior to the separation, Kenya was forced to give profits to Britain. Independence provided changes in the relationship between the people and their land. The introduction of cash crops changed the Meru farming systems. The Ameru people could not produce enough of the cash crops and still have enough left to support their families. For the first time, they were forced to pay taxes. To prevent the exhaustion of the land, the people developed new methods of farming. By rotating the crops, larger profits could be made. The people of the Kenya/Ameru tribe came from the area around the Niger River in West Africa. They traveled through the Congo Basin up to Kantanga, where they moved toward the eastern part of Kenya. The Ameru arrived at Mt. Kenya as a single group. Originally they settled around Mt. Kenya. When the people began to migrate into eastern Kenya, the Koomenjave or Spiritual Leader divided the Ameru into three groups. The Koomenjave was responsible for keeping law and order. He was in political control of all of the groups within the Ameru Tribe.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

What Does It Mean to Be a Man or a Woman?

What Does it Mean to be a Man or a Woman? A theme the tragedy of Macbeth routinely reveals is one of gender roles. Throughout the play, many characters struggle with conflict within themselves; not unlike conflicts that we face inside ourselves today. Various major conflicts throughout the screenplay are somehow connected with characters’ roles as men or women. The dominant question is, do the characters know who they are as men and women? Although Macbeth’s age was never stated, it is concluded from his naivety and emotional immaturity throughout the play that he might not be much older than a current college student.Young adulthood sometimes contains an internal struggle to find oneself, not only working to discover who they are as a person, but they are as a man or a woman. As demonstrated many times throughout the script, Macbeth is internally fighting with his masculine instincts. For example, in Act I, the captain, Duncan, and Malcolm discuss Macbeth’s â₠¬Å"heroic† and violent tendencies (Macbeth I. 2. 15-22). From childhood, men thrive to be a hero. Sometimes, in their minds, that means being rashly violent as well.So when these men mention Macbeth’s unnecessarily brutal strategies, it makes one see the battle Macbeth must be struggling with to gain the role of â€Å"hero† in others’ eyes. The witches also play a part in Macbeth’s battle of identification with himself. The bearded women plant the seed of ambition in Macbeth. Macbeth realizes that he is lusting after the throne and the power that comes with it. But, at first, he does not know how to deal with it. (â€Å"If good, why do I yield to that suggestion Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair And make my seated heart knock at my ribs,Against the use of nature? Present fears Are less than horrible imaginings. My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, Shakes so my single state of man That function is smothered in surmise, And nothing is but what is not. †) (I. 3. 135-143). It is normal for men to want to be ambitious. God created men as a ruler, as stated in Genesis: â€Å"Then God said, â€Å"Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground† (NLT Genesis 1:26).Therefore, men have ambitious souls. God did not intend to have sovereigns or rulers of people, but men and women ruined that when Adam and Eve betrayed the Lord. Macbeth is not in tune with himself and how his emotions and ambitions will affect other people. This is one of Macbeth’s atrophies and causes him to lust for increasingly more power. Lord Acton once said, â€Å"Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. † Men also need women’s acceptance to accept themselves.They want women to see their masculinity and power – hence the reason they like t o display their muscles and talk about their accomplishments. However, when a women does not show that they appreciate the manhood, it puts the man down. Think about the way males react when called a coward, especially if it is a woman. They puffs out their chests, try to seem larger than they actually are, and object. In Act I, Scene 7 Lady Macbeth calls Macbeth a coward, and he begs her to stop. (â€Å"Art thou afeard To be the same in thine own act and valorAs thou art in desire? Wouldst thou have that Which thou esteem’st the ornament of life, And live a coward in thine own esteem, Letting ‘I dare not’ wait upon ‘I would,’†) (I. 7. 39-45). Then, she insults his manhood; the ultimate way to manipulate the male gender. Macbeth sees that the only way to impress his wife, is by killing the king and following his own ambitious instincts. The way Lady Macbeth spoke these words to Macbeth, there was no way in his mind that he could object  œ it would ruin his masculinity.From there, Macbeth will not stop until he reaches absolute power. He even uses his wife’s tactics and questions the murders’ manhoods when manipulating them to kill Banquo. (â€Å"Do you find Your patience so predominant in your nature That you can let this go? Are you so gospeled To pray for this good man and for his issue, Whose heavy hand hath bowed you to the grave And beggared yours forever? †) (III. 1. 87-93). The gender roles quickly became a large part of the plot to get people to complete tasks for others’ benefits.Characters constantly bring up manhood and relate it to their rise or lack of a rise (Lady Macbeth- â€Å"unsex me†) to power (I. 5. 41). However, power wasn’t meant for man; it was meant for God. This power became an idol – the characters put it between them and God. That was the characters’ downfalls. Instead of being a â€Å"manly man,† they should have tried to be a man of God as in 1 Timothy 6:19, â€Å"so they may experience true life† (NLT). One does not realize their true self, until they realize they are a man or woman of God.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Language and Literacy - 757 Words

Language and Literacy what are they? How do they relate? How do we learn them? These are just a few questions one might ask them self when they contemplate the effect language and literacy have on learning. â€Å"Forms of language and literacy develop supportively and interactively. Children build on oral language knowledge and practices as they learn to read and write’ they develop key understandings about reading through writing, and they extend their writing range through reading† (Braunger Lewis, 2005). This illustrates how at even the most basic level, language and literacy are interconnected from the very beginning. Therefore, in order to dissect each to see how children learn each, one needs to have a full understanding of both†¦show more content†¦Additional differences are that each mode requires specific knowledge that cannot be transferred to the other and also that â€Å"written language is doubly symbolic; readers and writers must become at least somewhat conscious of their knowledge of oral language, which isn’t necessary in speaking† (Braunger Lewis, 2005). Another major difference between written and oral language is its accessibility. Oral language is very readily available through conversations, recordings, music, etc. whereas written language is much harder to come by since it has to be created and then made accessible for others (Braunger Lewis, 2005). Aside from their similarities and differences listed above written and oral language make up the building blocks of literacy. â€Å"Literacy allows us to make connections between our own and others’ experiences; to inquire systematically into important matters; and to access, analyze and evaluate information and arguments. In short, literacy is key to success in school and beyond for effective participation in the workforce, the community, and the body politic† (Braunger Lewis, 2005). Literacy occurs in stages with the primary development taking place during childhood and adolescents. During adolescents is when our literacy knowledgebase grows and deepens the most. Some of the key features inShow MoreRelatedLanguage and Literacy1566 Words   |  7 PagesEDKL102- Assessment Task 1 Essay- What is Language? What is Literacy? How are they different? Teachers must have a sound knowledge and appreciation for language and literacy to be able to make the two concepts a valuable part of a students curriculum. This essay will explore the importance of language and literature in a students learning and how they assist in enhancing their development. Most importantly the similarities and differences will be distinguished so that the relationship betweenRead MoreLiteracy And Language Literacy Skills1327 Words   |  6 PagesLiteracy and language are an important part of a child’s development. For children to grow and succeed, it is necessary for them to develop skills in reading. Parents and teachers provide the most influence and guidance when it comes to children’ s learning. General areas that help a child develop their language literacy skills are phonological skills, vocabulary/word meaning skills, reading skills, comprehension, and writing skills. An Age that I would like to teach would be fifth grade; the languageRead MoreLanguage Assessment Literacy703 Words   |  3 Pages Language assessment literacy refers to the familiarity of the stakeholders with measureme nt practices and the application of this knowledge to classroom practices and issues of assessing language (Inbar-Lourie, 2008). Appropriate assessment provides teachers with important information about student performance and about the extent to which learning objectives have been achieved in the classroom. Despite the importance of student progress assessment (Taylor, 2009; Scarino, 2013), many teachersRead MoreLanguage and Literacy Development1014 Words   |  5 PagesRUNNGHEAD: LANGUAGE AND LITERACY DEVELOPMENT ESSAY Language and Literacy Development Essay Alma J. Bosket Early Literacy Development (O101) -ECH-425 Dr. Leah Barley July 21, 2013 Language and Literacy Essay The achievement of oral language is a normal development for the performance of most children. 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